Pets Database

Emerald Whelpling

Emerald Whelpling

Battle type: Dragonkin

Binding: Binds on Equip

Where to catch: Rare drop from Noxious Whelp in Feralas

Highest level capturable: n/a

Seen on Black Market Auction House: No

Passive: Dragons deal 50% additional damage on the next round after bringing a target’s health below 25%

Damage taken: Increased 50% from Humanoid abilities; Decreased 33% from Flying abilities

This is a rare drop from Noxious Whelp in Feralas.  This mob also has a chance to drop the Sprite Darter Hatching (BOP).  The Emerald Whelping is BOE, so you can also check auction house to see if anyone is selling one.

Pet Abilities (showing level 1 damage)

Link: Wowhead